September: The Big Launch into USA and Canada in English and Spanish

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The time has come for the Word for Word Bible Comic Series to conquer America and Canada. Today the books launch directly into the market with Matthew's Gospel and El Evangelio de Mateo! Now you'll be able to find it in high street shops, church bookstalls, libraries and even Walmart. If they aren't there just ask them to order it in for you.

We want to thank everyone who has supported the project up until now with Kickstarters and Patreon and in prayer. Getting the deal with the NIV and the US distributor, printing all the copies, fixing the misprints and shipping them 5000+ copies has taken a lot of work and now it is launch time to see how it the results.

Can you do this favour to give us a leg up?

This launch is a huge moment for us and if you are a fan of the project we'd really appreciate your help making it a big success. This is important because the success or failings of the first book in the series will positively or negatively affect all those that follow.

Like you, I get frustrated that every time I buy anything or use a service online the provider wants me to leave a review. That's not exactly what I'm asking you for. I'm not just asking you to just "rate your experience". I'm asking that if you've enjoyed the books that you take several minutes to do me a favour and add a positive review to the Word for Word Bible Comic books on Amazon and other platforms in order to give them a significant leg up in the US and Canadian market.

Good reviews online help:

  • retailers to decide whether to stock the future books in the series

  • encourages people to go ahead and buy a copy

  • affects the book's ranking in searches within the seller site

On some of the retail sites, like Christianbooks and Books-a-Million, it's possible to be the only "Bible Comic" with 5-stars and this will put it head-and-shoulders above the rest.

Let's not leave it looking like this...


Click this button to go to my blog where there is a list of places to cut and paste your review into.

Lanzamiento del libro en español

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This is also the official launch of the Spanish copies of the books worldwide with El Evangelio de Mateo worldwide. The name in Spanish means "verse-by-verse", which not only has its straightforward meaning but is a movement within the preaching of the Word in Spanish to be more expositional and leave nothing out.

Below you can download a 20-page preview PDF. If you have friends whose first language is Spanish why not forward them this email so they can check it out!

Download preview PDF

You can buy your copy in the new Spanish online store:

Share the news

Please help us get the word out by heading to our main announcement video post and giving it a like, a share and some comments. Aside from your friends seeing it, all these "engagements" help Facebook bots realise it's an important post and serve it to more people. There are similar on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and more.

Click the image to go to the FB post.


The USA and Canada Launch: Now is the time! This is God's project and the good it could potentially do reaching new people with the gospel is also for His glory. So, please help us as we pray he'll take hold of the project and get it in front of all the people in the USA and Canada who will benefit from it and that might be keen to publicise it!

Other Languages: Recently we've begun negotiations with a reputable Portuguese publisher in Brazil, so please pray that works out well for everyone. Please also pray for opportunities in French, Romanian, Dutch and in Ukraine where we've had some interest already to make the Bible Comic available to even more people around the world!