OCTOBER: Videos and Christmas Cards

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Last month we launched the Gospel of Matthew in the USA and Canada, and next month will see the global official release of The Book of Jonah in English and Spanish too! Sales are rolling in but we need to continue to get the word out so please recommend the comics to a friend, write a review or a blog and help people hear about it.

You can preorder your copy of Jonah on the website now.

Matthew's Gospel Research Videos

To celebrate the release of the Gospel of Matthew into the USA and Canada I have made available several of the first in-depth videos created for Patreons about 2 years ago available on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube! There is actually about 3+ hours of content on there already if you'd like to check it out:

New Christmas Cards

Last year our Christmas cards were a great success and sold out! This year we will have created 3 new designs and we are reprinting last years set for those who missed it! Our cards include:

  • a Bible verse with a relevant image

  • a second colour image on the inside

  • an opportunity to introduce people to the Word for Word Bible Comic and the possibility of getting them reading the Bible this Christmas ;)

Note: We are telling you about them now so our US and international readers can order from us in the UK in time, as the economy postage option can take 6 weeks.

Please add a review

I really appreciate all those of you who have added a review to the Gospel of Matthew on Amazon etc. but we need lots more, please.

Good reviews online help:

  • retailers to decide whether to stock the future books in the series

  • encourages people to go ahead and buy a copy

  • affects the book's ranking in searches within the seller site

Interview with Christian Comics Art Society

I recently did a livestream interview with the guys at the Christian Comics Art Society. You can view it on Facebook in our group:


The USA and Canada Launch: Now is the time! This is God's project and the good it could potentially do reaching new people with the gospel is also for His glory. So, please help us as we pray he'll take hold of the project and get it in front of all the people in the USA and Canada who will benefit from it and that might be keen to publicise it!

Prisons: We've started to see cracks in the wall keeping the comics out of prisons. We've gotten over 100 into prisons in the UK and USA in the last month thanks to the OPTIM charity. We are now praying that this will be a foot in the door and open opportunities to reach these inmates most in need of the gospel. Please help us as we pray the God will open this door and get his word into more prisons across the world.