Reviews really HELP!

To help us make the best impression and rise in the online rating and rankings we’d dearly love you to write a quick review of the books, please.

You can use the links below to easily navigate to a list of all the books. On some sites (not Amazon), you can even cut and paste your honest review of the series making it even easier.

Simon Amadeus Pillario.jpg


The number one is, of course, Amazon. From my author profile, you can see all the titles in the series.

My Amazon Author Profile USA

My Amazon Author Profile UK

Other Big Chains

There are many other online stores carrying the titles each with its own review function. While these are smaller it seems few books have reviews so being the only one with a 5-star review puts it head-and-shoulders above the rest!

Barnes and Noble


BAM - Books-a-Million

★ Koorong (Austalia)

Lastly, Goodreads is a book review social media platform. Some shopper (and even some online shops) take their reviews direct from there.

Good Reads Author Page

The difference of even a few reviews…

Reviews against no reviews.jpg

Want to buy a copy?

If you’d like to buy a copy the best way is to do so while supporting the project is to buy directly through our website. Doing so means we’d receive 50%+ of the RRP whilst buying on Amazon etc only gives creators less than 20%.