We’ve got news on the new edition of Judges, events, Kickstarter updates and more this month.

New Book of Judges

In September, we will be officially releasing the new version of The Book of Judges. This new edition features the NIV translation but also even more pages, going from 128pp to 176pp, with the panels made bigger and brighter! You can preorder it now.


Youthscape Satellites: I've recently returned for 5 days at a Youth event for 5,000 young people. As it was a long event I even set up a workstation at the stand so that I could keep drawing at quieter times and as people were browsing. Plus I got this photo with kids TV presenter Gemma Hunt. I'm hoping some of these connections with youth leaders in the UK will help get these comics more and more into the hands of young people. 

Commission Festival: At the end of this month I’ll have a stand at this event for 4 days. I hope I’ll see many of you there! We’ve got a number of new books since the last one in 2019!

Kickstarter Update

The digital version of this book has recently been sent out to all Kickstarter Backers! Check your KS update for the link :)

We have also just sent out the first backer surveys via BackerKit, if you haven’t got it today you’ll receive it in the next couple of days. You’ll need to add your address and settle your shipping costs if you are due to receive physical rewards. This includes the opportunity to add on further upgrades too.


Books in libraries: Please pray we can find a way to get the books into libraries across the world and especially USA and the UK.

Spanish editions:
One of our options for Spanish distribution is off the table, but now we will move to another really promising opportunity. Please pray we can establish this partnership to get the Spanish books out into the world.

Printing: We are currently printing the Song of Songs and more Nativity books, it’s always a nerve-racking time as we think about errors, misprints or books getting damaged. Please pray all goes smoothly. 

If you’d like to support the project on a regular basis from just $1 a month. Head to

July Newsletter: Discounts, new Book of Judges and more

We’ve got news on the new edition of Judges, discounts, blogs and more this month

New Judges with more pages!

In September, we will be officially releasing the new version of The Book of Judges. This new edition features the NIV translation but also even more pages! Now, I know what you’re thinking but we didn’t add anything to the biblical text, we spread the existing panels over more pages making it so the pages are not so cramped and the illustrations are larger, we also lightened up the images as our first edition was very dark.

In this example below, the top left page is the original page, which becomes three pages in the new edition including two new panels and verse reference numbers in the corners.

If you can’t wait until September you can preorder it via the UK online shop and pay postage to your location and you’ll receive it before the official release. (Note: Kickstarter Backers of Song of Songs who added Judges will get this new version)

The new Judges graphic novel was showcased at the American Library Association Convention of over 10,000 librarians last month and this month will be at the Christian Product Expo in Kentucky.


If you are ordering books direct from us (via the UK online shop), you can now get a discount when you spend £50+ you’ll get 25% off! Just enter the discount code FIFTYQUIDPLUS at checkout. Includes books, t-shirts and digital items!

(T&Cs: Offer works on direct purchases from the UK, not available on US and Canada domestic delivery which is handled by our distributors).

Patreon Hangout

On Saturday 15th July, we’ll have one of our Patreon Hangouts, a Zoom call between myself, some of the team and our patrons will be there to chat, answer questions and connect. The talk will likely be around the new title The Book of Acts which has started production but won’t be Kickstarted until next year. To get the inside scoop, see pages before anyone else and join us at the hangout, become a patron today:

The Gathering

We had a great time at the Gathering in June despite nearly melting in the sun. I did some sword training and we saw dozens of men make a first-time commitment or recommitment to Christ on the weekend. Welcome those that joined the newsletter at the event.


I wrote a couple of blogs on the research I’ve been doing recently, I showed the top one to Dr. Mark Woolmer (our history consultant and history lecturer) and he said he’d have given me a First for the essay if it had been submitted in his class which made me happy

In this blog, I explore the question of whether the Golden Calf of Exodus was likely a statue of an Apis Bull?


In this blog, I ask if Moses was tall.


Kickstarter Update

The creation of the Song of Songs is complete and the digital copies will be sent out to you very soon. They've had their first round of proofreading and corrections are being added. Once the second round of proofreading is complete will be sending it out, before the end of this month.

They'll also be heading to the printers in the next month or so in good time for delivery to backers by the end of November (or before). They will be released in shops in March 2024.


Books in libraries: As you saw above our book was featured at the ALA con. Please pray with us that libraries really discover the benefits of the Word for Word Bible Comic and decide to stock them all across the USA.

Spanish editions:
We have some potential leads to getting distribution of our Spanish editions in Latin America and Europe. Please pray we can get these books into the hands of Spanish speakers very soon!

Technical issue: We have had some trouble with the ISBN registration on Amazon and other places for the new books. Some progress has been made since last time but please pray this is miraculously sorted out very soon so it does not hamper sales.

Was the Golden Calf an Apis Bull?

In the Bible comic, I now need to draw the Golden Calf of Exodus 32. I’ve thought for a long time that this would be an Apis Bull so I did some research into whether this is actually likely…

What is an Apis Bull

Coffin painting of and Apis Bull. c. 11th century B.C. Public Domain.

The Apis was a live bull that was considered to be a sort of physical incarnation of the god Ptah; the "soul of Ptah" or "herald of Ptah, kept in the temple of Ptah, in Memphis. The bull was, therefore, a kind of servant or intermediary, who was itself divine. It was revealed to the populace in a procession and its movements were interpreted as oracles and were thought to reflect the responses of Ptah. It was fed the best foods, slept on luxurious bedding, given hot baths, massaged, and perfumed and upon its death, the body was embalmed, and then solemnly interred in the temple of Serapis at Memphis.

The Apis is usually depicted as a black bull a sun disk between his horns and an uraeus snake emerging before the disk.

The Apis is described by the Greek researcher Herodotus:

The Apis is the calf of a cow which is never afterwards able to have another. The Egyptian belief is that a flash of light descends upon the cow from heaven, and this causes her to conceive Apis. The Apis-calf has distinctive marks: it is black, with a white square [or triangle] on its forehead, the image of an eagle on its back, the hair on its tail double, and a scarab under its tongue.

(More info on Apis : )

Bronze figure of the Apis bull: with inlaid silver eyes (c. 400 -300 BC) (Click through to website)

Was the Golden Calf an Apis?

I think the key thing to remember is that the Israelites had lived in Egypt for generations, the people Moses lead might have been genetically Hebrew, but they were also Egyptian nationals through and through. Some of the multitudes that left of the Exodus were even non-Jewish (Exodus 12:38).

When the people thought they’d lost Moses, they turned back to their old ways. I do not believe they plucked the idea of a bull out of thin air or as a lottery, it was something they already knew.

On this website “Why a Golden Calf and not any other symbol?” Jonathan Frankel writes:

There were other Egyptian and Canaanite bull cults, e.g. Buchis, Mnevis, El, which could have been the inspiration for the Golden Calf, however, the specific chronicity, procedures and celebrations of the Apis Calf are highly suggestive that it was the motivation behind the Golden Calf. Moshe [Moses] had been on Har Sinai for 40 days and presumed dead and the Golden Calf arrived on the 40th day, just as an Apis Calf is prepared and revealed after 40 days following the death of its predecessor. The calf was made of gold, just as the Apis Calf arrived at the temple in a golden cabin. The people wanted an intermediate to serve between them and god, so Aharon created for them the religious entity they were familiar with in Egypt that served as an intermediate between them and god. And just as the Egyptians would celebrate the arrival of a new Apis Calf, so too the Israelites celebrated the arrival of their new intermediary. 

Next is the statement which is the source of the above statements:

“Since the Apis Bull was a living creature, it would eventually die, prompting… the search for a new Apis bull…. This new Apis would be a calf…. they took it to Nilopolis for 40 days of feeding after which time it was transferred via a boat inside a gold cabin to the temple of Ptah where it was greeted by the people who came to view their reincarnated god and hoped to have their questions answered.” (A Popular Account of the Ancient Egyptians: Volume 1: John Gardner Wilkinson)

As these elements pertain to a living bull, if the Golden calf was a statue (see below) it would not have been able to move, but this may have been the symbolic significance.

If they viewed the Golden Calf as a sort of reincarnation of Moses (whom they presumed dead) and a divine entity then it makes a little more sense of the statement said about the Golden Calf “Then they said, ‘These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.’” (Exodus 32:4b)

Examples of Apis Bull statues are evident in this era (the example below is from within approx 50 years of the Exodus).

Bronze statuette of Apis (c. 1400 BC) (click through to website)

Looking at many commentaries and Archaeological study bibles most seem to land on the opinion that the Golden calf was “most likely” an Apis Bull.

I made my own mind up when I read a different website which struggled with the language used regarding Aarons's creation of the bull. Exodus 32:4 is rendered in the NIV “He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool.”

How exactly did Aaron form this calf? The only other use of the word cheret suggests that it means a stylus:

ישעיה ח:א וַיֹּאמֶר יְ־הוָה אֵלַי קַח לְךָ גִּלָּיוֹן גָּדוֹל וּכְתֹב עָלָיו בְּחֶרֶט אֱנוֹשׁ. : Isa 8:1 Then the Lord said to me, “Get yourself a large sheet and write on it with a human stylus” (my translation).

Some translations rendered it in Exodus according to this meaning:

- LXX: “formed them with a graving tool” (ἔπλασεν αὐτὰ ἐν τῇ γραφίδι);

- Onkelos: וְצָר יָתֵיהּ בְּזִיפָא, “and he formed it with a chisel,”

- Martin Luther’s 1545 translation: “designed it with a stylus” (entwarf's mit einem Griffel),

- King James (KJV): “fashioned it with a graving tool.”

I think this detail of this engraving tool/stylus in the language which translators struggle to conceive of as useful in moulding a golden sculpture is actually a big conformation of the gold calf being an Apis, to my mind.

Look closely at the idol and the engraved patterns around the neck, the eagle over the shoulders and flanks, the blanket and other lines. (Also on the idol from c. 1400 BC above)

Ivory Apis Bull Statuette (664–343 BC) (Click through to website)

Apis Bull Figure: (525–332 BC) (Public Domain image)

Apis Bull with Sun Disk (5th-4th century BC) (Click through to website)

Who is Ptah

Ptah (Public domain)

The fact that the Apis is connected to Ptah is an additional reason why the connection makes sense. As I mentioned above, the Israelite people were Egyptian nationals born and bred, and their understanding of YHWH was likely coloured by the national religion of the Egyptian pantheon, or at the very least they might think about which of the pantheon of gods would most equate to YHWH. So who was Ptah?

Wikipedia states it succinctly:

Ptah is an Egyptian creator god who conceived the world and brought it into being through the creative power of speech. A hymn to Ptah dating to the Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt says Ptah "crafted the world in the design of his heart," and the Shabaka Stone, from the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty, says Ptah "gave life to all the gods and their kas [souls] as well, through this heart and this tongue." […]

Epiphets: Ptah the begetter of the first beginning, Ptah lord of truth, Ptah lord of eternity, Ptah who listens to prayers, Ptah master of ceremonies, Ptah master of justice.

As the pre-existent creator god and lord of truth and justice, you can imagine how the Israelites would equate him with YHWH. If they did and sort a new intermediary between them and God then following the pattern for Ptah is somewhat understandable.

What if the Golden Calf was alive?

I also wondered if it is possible that the Golden Calf could have been a living Apis bull. I.e. a living calf dressed up in golden finery or a golden covering perhaps. Looking at the verses it all seems very possible except for Exodus 32:4 which says it is moulded and 32:24 where Aaron says (stupidly) he put the gold in the fire and the calf came out. So it doesn’t seem that the text can support a living Apis Bull in gold.

Other Ideas

Invisible God: Some scholars suggest the calf was merely a pedestal or mount, as other idols are depicted atop a bull. The idea was that the golden calf was a pedestal for an invisible God. This however doesn’t seem consistent with the language used about the idol and the reaction of Moses and God to its creation. If the Golden Bull was supposed be a divine intermediary replacing Moses and telling them the will of YHWH, then the reaction does fit well.

Head of the 'cow goddess' Hathor, 1417-1379 BCE. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York). (Click through to website)

Hathor: Another option was that the idol was dedicated to Hathor. Hathor is another deity of Egypt that was popular at the time, who was portrayed at times as a woman with a cow’s head, or cow-like features (horns, cow ears), and sometimes as a cow. However her candidacy seems less likely as the golden idol is named a “calf” (עֵגֶל) or the masculine noun 'egel', denoting a young male calf and not the female cow which symbolises her.
Hathor was believed to be a goddess of beauty, sensuality, music, dancing, and maternity and mother to Horus and Ra, which is not as close a fit to YHWH as Ptah, and therefore a less likely crossover.
Additionally, one thing that would favour the Apis over Hathor is the geographical centre of their cults. The centre of worship for the Apis was Memphis in the north (where the Israelites were in Goshen), whereas Hathor worship had its centre around Dendera in the far south of Egypt.

Hathor Dendera Temple (Public Domain Image)


For the reasons stated of the connection to Ptah, the people’s desire for a new intermediary, the engraving work on the statue and the cultural connections I think it is very likely that what they created was an idol statue of an Apis Bull.

Here is an early drawing I created for Acts 7: 40-41

If you like the Word for Word Bible Comic and want to support the project why not consider becoming a patron! From just $1 a month you can really help!


Today I was looking through some other ancient and Talmudic sources that talk about Moses, and I noticed that a number describes Moses as tall.

Here are some examples:

Artapanus of Alexandria (3rd or 2nd century BC): He describes Moses as 80 years old, "tall and ruddy, with long white hair, and dignified."

Josephus (c. 37 – 100 AD) "Moses excelled all by his tall stature and beauty of countenance as well as by his quickness of apprehension."

Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki a.k.a Rashi (1040-1105AD) described Moses as tall in Talmud Berakhot 54b

Abu Huraira (602-681 AD) Sahih Muslim Book 1, Hadith Number 239: “He (Ibn Abbas) said that the prophet (ﷺ) mentioned the time he was ascended to the Heavens and he said that Musa (Moses) was dark-skinned and tall …”

While none of these quotes are authoritative, and these historians can sometimes be considered unreliable, it is interesting that there seems to be a tradition going back to the time when the Alexandrian library still stood that Moses was tall.

I thought it would be a harmless detail to use in the comic, but then I also noticed in Acts Stephen says "Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action." Act 7:22. “Powerful in action” could also imply he was fit, strong and had a physical advantage like being tall.

Finally, it’s always encouraging for me when I discover these things and then look at the images I’ve already drawn of the person (Moses) and see that the images are consistent with this new information. I’m encouraged that the Lord is guiding my hand in the work.

Though it’s more a factor of perspective, Moses could be tall in both of these images where he stands next to Joshua and Aaron:

Thanks for reading.

If you enjoy my musings on biblical and historical elements of the project please consider becoming a Patron!

June Newsletter

Hi everyone, it’s been a busy month, with the Big Church Festival, creating the print files for the new version of Judges, finishing off Song of Songs and working hard on the page of Acts for release in 2024.

Here’s this month’s news!

Patreon access to Acts

As you may know, we have a Patreon page, and patrons get early access to the pages of the books as they are created. In about a week’s time, the pages of Song of Songs will have all been posted and we’ll begin to post pages from The Book of Acts. Even though the Kickstarter for this book won’t be until March 2024 and the release will be that September, the work starts now. We have over 30 pages already drawn and coloured and patrons receive 4 pages every 2 weeks and top tier patrons get a video every other week about the historical and biblical elements within the pages (~20-30mins) too.

I recently discovered that out of the top 25 “Bible” Patreon pages mine has the most posts with over 600! When you become a patron you get access to all the previous posts on your tier as well. There are actually over 70 hours of videos there (believe it or not).

Aside from all that good stuff your support really helps us with a stable monthly income to rely on. You can be a patron from just £1/month.

 Go to Patreon Page 

Big Church Festival

We had a good time at Big Church Festival, and added lots of people to this mailing list, so WELCOME ABOARD! Here are a couple of Pics:

The Gathering

At the end of this month I’ll be heading to Gathering, a Christian Men’s event in a field near Swindon. It’s a great event inspiring UK men in their walk. If you’re going along come and say hi and see what deals we have. We’ll be selling two titles which are not yet available in shops!

A Kickstarter you’ll like…

Launched just the other day, I discovered this Kickstarter “Gate Zero – A Bible Exploration Video Game” to create a computer game based on the life of Christ and trying to be historically accurate like us. I backed it and hope we’ll be able to collaborate with them in the future.

 Go to their Kickstarter 


Spanish editions: We have some potential leads to getting distribution of our Spanish editions in Latin America and Europe. Please pray we can get these books into the hands of Spanish speakers very soon!

Technical issue: We have had some trouble with the ISBN registration on Amazon and other places for the new books. Some progress has been made since last time but please pray this is miraculously sorted out very soon so it does not hamper sales.

May Newsletter

This newsletter is coming to you a little later in the month this time and I’ve have my head down working on to new book and getting the others ready for print.

Soon we’ll be printing a brand new version of Judges as well as all the Song of Songs books.

Song of Songs backer update

The Song of Songs graphic novel is complete, fully coloured and is now being compiled for print. Once that is done and it has been proofread and updated it will be sent out digitally to backers. The printers will be receiving it in August ready for fulfilment to you in September/October.

Big Church Festival

This weekend we will be having a stand at the Big Church Festival in the UK. So if you’ll be coming along be sure to drop by in the Expo space. We’ll have special offers and more. Here’s an image from last year, with me an Adam who won a competition to be drawn into the comic with his page showing.

(Next month I’ll also be at The Gathering a Christian Men’s Event).

Prison Ministry

With the financial support of the OPTIM trust and connections at Junctions 42 and the 54:2 Foundation, we have now sent hundreds of copies of our Bible Comics into prisons around the UK. We have had great feedback, and below are a few anonymous quotes from inmates:

  • “The images enabled me to have a tangible connection with the characters, and therefore the scripture passages were easier to get my head around”.

  • “I love this Bible, the pictures really help me to get into the stories, and bring them alive”.

  • ‘‘As a life-long graphic novel fan, and a collector of Manga, I was excited to read this series by Simon Amadeus Pillario. When the Chaplaincy was gifted a pile of comic novels I was first in the queue to get my hands on one. The Gospel of Luke has excellent visual representations of the ethereal as well as honest depictions of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. The added maps, background and insights are also a nice touch, along with, of course, every NIV-translated word. Amazing!!! Thank you for blessing me with Luke’s Gospel. I look forward to owning the other 65 books!!!!’’

  • “The pictures helped me to understand the readings because I could connect with the story and message in a much better way”.

  • “I really enjoyed the graphic novel of Matthew’s Gospel. The artwork was fantastic and reminded me of reading comics when I was a boy! I jumped at the chance of reading one when they became available. So, thank you ever so much for this opportunity”


Other languages: We are still praying for more foreign publishers to licence the bible comic series and get it out in other languages.

Prisons: Please pray for the books that have gone into the prisons, that they will continue to help inmates connect with God’s word and even help others read the Bible for the first time.

Technical issue: We have had some trouble with the ISBN registration on Amazon and other places for the new books. Please pray this is miraculously sorted out before the end of the month so it does not hamper sales.

If you’d like to support the project on a regular basis from just $1 a month. Head to

April Newsletter: Last few days to back the Kickstarter

The Kickstarter got off to an amazing start thanks to so many of you getting in and backing at the start! As a result we became a “Project We Love” and held the top ten more popular comic slots for the first week.

The minimum goal was hit in the first 18 hours, but there is still a few days left to finish strong and hit our final stretch goal of £22,500!

The last day is Easter Sunday, so don’t miss out!

Premier Christianity Article

The project has been covered in Premier Christianity Magazine this month too. Click the image to see the article online.

Interview: Systematic Geekology

I did an interview with Christian and Joe all about the creation of the Song of Songs comic which you can view here:


Kickstarter: Please continue to pray we get lots of new folk to discover the project and back the Kickstarter!

New financial year: Please pray for us to have an excellent financial year ahead, and to make the right choices and partners this year.

Other languages: During April our books will be featured at a few different book licencing events, please pray we can share the Bible Comic with more languages and find good partners to work with!

MARCH NEWSLETTER: Song of Songs Kickstart is live!


It's finally time for the Kickstarter to begin! 

Back the Kickstarter now! 

The Song of Songs KS is live! Head to the page to find out more about how we will be presenting the story in the text and videos on the page. You can even download a 17-page sample. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: This year we are charging the postage after the campaign ends, so your pledge will just be the site cost and not have postage included. 

4 reasons to back at the start

1) Early Bird and unique rewards go extremely quickly! 
2) The faster a Kickstarter funds the more highly it is ranked for being "popular". This gives "social proof" to the project and can also lead to getting featured on Kickstarter's top projects page!
3) Stops us stressing about whether the project will fund
4) We are utilising a marketing agent this time and I'd like for all my existing supporters to back early using this specific link so we do not pay a commission on your pledge. 


As we embark on our new Kickstarter please pray that it will fund really well, will be a KS "project we love" and that lots of new people discover the project because of it.