Happy February, we have a new book out now and we are gearing up for the next Kickstarter in March! 

The Book of Joshua: NIV released! 

This month sees the release of our newest instalment, the Book of Joshua: NIV Translation. You can order yours now on the website in paperback or digital formats!

Song of Songs Kickstarter starts March 9th

This time next month we'll be launching the newest Kickstarter campaign for The Song of Songs! We'll email you as it launches. As in previous years, we'd love to encourage you to pledge right at the beginning if you plan to support the campaign as funding quickly attracts attention from Kickstarter itself and helps show up on "popular campaigns" and is great social proof to help newcomers to have the confidence to back it, also we often have unique items and limited offers, so... be ready! 

Help promote? Also if you have a blog, podcast or youtube channel and you'd be happy to give the book a shout-out or initial review please get in touch

Below is an example of a post from our social media, follow us on FB, Instagram, Twitter etc to see more posts like this one. (Links at the bottom of the email).

SONG OF SONGS IDIOMS: Mare (1:9-11): It's believed that Pharaoh's chariots would have been drawn exclusively by stallions, so a mare among them implies she is extremely diverting. A battle tactic attested in Egyptian literature was to release a mare in the vicinity of an enemy's chariots so that the stallions pulling the chariots would become distracted and chaotic. An alternative interpretation that supposes a mare 'is' pulling Pharaoh's chariot suggests she looks majestic in the finery of a chariot horse.

Purim is coming

At the start of March, Jewish people across the world will be celebrating Purim. The holiday celebrating the deliverance of Israel by God in the time of Queen Esther. It is also traditional to celebrate the festival by reading the Book of Esther, so we'd like to offer 30% off from now until March 7th on this graphic novel. Perhaps you'd like to buy a copy for yourself or Jewish friends in time for the celebration. 



Well-being: Please pray for our family's well-being and health, we've had a lot of stress with kids out of school and things changing due to ill health recently, so please pray for us. 

Kickstarter: As we move towards another Kickstarter please pray that it will fund really well, will be a KS "project we love" and that lots of new people discover the project because of it.


Happy New Year! And with a new year comes a new graphic novel in development...

Song of Songs

I started considering the Song of Songs as the next comic because lots of people jokingly said "Haha, you should do the Song of Songs", and I thought that I'd like to take up that challenge and started exploring the idea.

Now that the book is done I've been really pleased with how much value is added by including pictures with the Song. The book read as plain text is very confusing regarding who is speaking and what their words really mean. Some words that sound very sexual are not, and others that sound innocent are sensual.

However, as you'll see, in our comic the song is sung at a wedding. So even where there is sensual language, it is not about what is happening but playful innuendo. There's no nudity, except a few cases of silhouettes (like on this page).

I'm really pleased with how this book has come out and how the message of the book is now much easier to understand. At the end of the book, I also explore other interpretations (the three-person view, analogies etc) in the appendix articles too.

Can't wait? 

We will be holding a Kickstarter for this new book in March and you'll see a few more images between now and then via our social media, but if you'd like to see the pages first you can become a patron. Patronage hugely supports the project and tiers of just $3 or more receive 8 pages of the new material each month. Patrons of $5 a month receive bi-weekly videos about the historical and biblical research involved in the books. 



Kickstarter Backers discount expires soon

If you ordered a Christmas book on Kickstarter you'll have received a discount code to use or give away. These discounts expire soon, so be sure to use them or remind your gift recipients to use them before then. 

Prayer for prison ministries 

If you've been following the prayer requests for a while you'll know we've been trying to get the comics into the UK prisons for a long time now. We felt there was some spiritual opposition, but with your prayer, we have now started to make strides. At Easter, we have 20,000 gospel colouring posters going out to prisons and right now the chaplains are also being offered up to 25 copies of the Bible Comics free (funded by a charity called OPTIM) for their study groups and libraries. This is an excellent opportunity to get God's Word into prisons, so I'd love it if you could join us in praying that the chaplains will read the email and take us up on this offer!


Christmas is on its way and we are giving you some Christmas cheer!

Please note, there are several postal strikes in the UK at the moment so please don't leave ordering your graphic novels to the last minute!

Free Matthew Kindle eBook

To celebrate Christmas being on the way we have made our Gospel of Matthew Kindle ebook completely FREE for 5 days! (Ends 6th Dec). The book includes the nativity story so if you've got friends who don't know about the comic this is a great time to get them into it. Send them the link and they can download the whole book.

USA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KLX7Z7G
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08KLX7Z7G

Metal Christmas Playlist

Last year I sent you a playlist that focused on the Nativity, this year I'm giving you my selection of the best Christmas songs but heavy metal covers.

PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4blnUIKLARtMjVpTsf7DWw?si=f7aadd35a9a04e96

Christmas Cards 

No Rudolfs or penguins here! We've got two sets of Christmas cards available. Each pack has six cards with three different designs. Each one has a Bible verse and a picture on both the front and the inside of the card that make a little 2-panel comic :)

It's a great way to remind people what Christmas is all about and introduce them to the Bible comic.


Christmas Books: Over 1000 Christmas books went out with the Kickstarter last month. Please join us in praying that these gifted copies bring many people to God's Word and ultimately to salvation!


Christmas is on its way and so we've got some offers to help you on the way.

(Sorry, I forgot to repost the newsletter here on the blog for the last 2 months. If you want to have it emailed to you sign up here: https://squarespace.us11.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=326ea81d61b23ca05be019dea&id=54f0e1c961)


We are giving 30% off our brand-new release The Gospel of Luke for a limited time only! Ends Dec 1st. Also available for the Spanish: El Evangelio de Lucas

For Luke use Discount Code: BLACKFRIDAY22
For Lucas use Discount Code: BLACKFRIDAY22ESP

Christmas Cards 

No Rudolfs or penguins here! We've got two sets of Christmas cards available. Each pack has six cards with three different designs. Each one has a Bible verse and a picture on both the front and the inside of the card that make a little 2-panel comic :)

It's a great way to remind people what Christmas is all about and introduce them to the Bible comic.

The Next Book and Patreon

I've been working hard on the new title and its pages and explainer videos will soon start to be posted on our Patreon page. Aside from early access, patrons get to comment and give their suggestions on the developments of the book and the pages before they are officially published.

Next week we are also having a Patron Hangout on Zoom, so if you'd like to join us you can become a patron today from just £1 a month.


Christmas Books: Over 1000 Christmas books went out with the Kickstarter last month. Please join us in praying that these gifted copies bring many people to God's Word and ultimately to salvation!

Youthwork: This weekend I'm off to the national youth workers conference in the UK. I have a stand and every delegate will receive a colouring poster from us. Please join us in praying that many doors will be opened into youth ministries across the UK and beyond as a result.


The summer has been punishingly hot, and for the last 2 weeks, our family has been suffering from COVID, which we are coming out of now. September to December is our primary bookselling season so we are really looking forward to getting The book of Ruth and Luke's Gospel onto the shelves worldwide!

The Book of Ruth NIV and NVI!

The newest edition to our NIV and NVI collection hits the shelves on September 6th! You can preorder your copy now on our website!

Breaking into the T-shirt game

We've recently added our first t-shirt items to the website! We have one with our logo and a brand new one with the design below!

UK SHOP: https://www.wordforwordbiblecomic.com/buy-uk
USA SHOP: https://anchormerchandising.com/word-for-word-bible-comics/
We plan to add new t-shirt designs regularly and you can "have your say" on the ones that come out by voting on polls on the Facebook group.

Go to the Facebook group now to vote on a limited edition t-shirt with a design from the Book of Ruth...

PS: If you are waiting for your Kickstarter exclusive t-shirt, they have recently all been ordered and should arrive at your door in the next few days. 🤞


We have a great opportunity to get our colouring books into a lot of prisons in the UK, but we are hitting a few hurdles. Please pray that we can find a way around these and make this happen, opening the door to get the Bible comics into the prison libraries.

In September we launch Ruth and then in October we launch Luke's Gospel into the USA in English and Spanish, please pray for lots of orders and customers discovering the Bible Comics.


The Gospel of Luke and all the new NIV Books of Ruth have arrived and been sent out and now it's time to think about the next instalment!

What is the next new book? 

We are currently weighing up options about what the next book that I will be illustrating will be. If you are a member of the Facebook Community you'll be able to vote in a poll with your opinions and help shape the next book! Join the FB group

Fulfilling the Gospel of Luke Kickstarter!

All the new books arrived on the 5th of July, and after much hard work from my wife Sian, 94% of the items are now in the post or already with backers (the other 6% are people who haven't filled in their shipping info)! The day before yesterday I sent out all the digital rewards so they are now with backers on the Kickstarter Update the email.

The Book of Ruth

In addition to the brand new Gospel of Luke, some backers also received the brand new version of the Book of Ruth featuring the NIV (or NVI) translation before it's release! This will be hitting the shops on September 1st!


The Gathering!

It was great to see so many people there who've been supporting the project for so many years topping up their collections! I was super blessed as the table next to me was vacant so I spread out to fill 2 tables, meaning I could display the T-shirts, collector's editions and the art portfolio too. A special welcome to all of you who joined this newsletter there!

This year we are not doing a million summer events, I believe our next exhibition will be a comic con in autumn.


Thank you to everyone who prayed the books would not have misprints! During the proofing stage, we find several minor errors to get ironed out and I believe that was thanks to this intervention.

Thank also to those who have been praying the door for the books to get into the prisons would open, we believe there's been a big step forward with this recently so watch this space for more news!

Please continue to prayer for the comics to be licenced into other languages and to reach more people around the world with the Word of God.

June Newsletter

The Gospel of Luke is being finished as we speak. All the comic pages are drawn, the colours are being added to the last few pages and I'm about to create the appendix pages at the back of the book.

Kickstarter Backer Surveys are out!

Recently I sent out the backer surveys for the Kickstarter of Luke. You need to complete this in order to give us your address, t-shirt size and whether you'd like to be given a thankyou at the back of the book, so don't forget to do it for the 12% of you who have yet to! You will have received an email or you can go to the campaign page and fill it in there.


Big Church Day Out!

We just returned from BCDO22, it was great fun to be out showing people the books again! On the night before the start, I walked by the main stage where Rend collective where sound-checking and practising so I got my own private show:

I also ran into Adam who won our Easter competition a few years ago to be drawn into the Gospel of Matthew. Here we are with his panel:

I also saw Caroline who is drawn into the Book of Joshua as a daughter of Zelophehad who supported the project in the early days, and Maaike our newest colourist over from the Netherlands!

The Gathering: Christian Vision for Men: 24-26 June

This weekend event is to encourage and build men in their faith! It's a really fun event and if you haven't booked in there are still spaces available. Come and see me in the exhibition area!

Praefectus Pontius Pilatus

I'm currently creating fact pages for the back of the Gospel of Luke about "PONTIVS PILATVS". Here's one fact from my page about Pilate: A number of coins were struck during Pilate's tenure that featured symbols that would offend the Jews, such as the “Lituus," a Wand for Divination, and the “Simpulum," a ladle used to make libations during Roman cultic sacrifices.
To see more posts like this come and join our FB community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wordforwordbiblecomiccommunity


Please pray the books of Luke and Ruth NIV are printed without errors and get to their destinations safe and that they go on to impact many lives across the USA, Canada, the UK and beyond!


The Gospel of Luke is being finished as we speak. All the comic pages are drawn, the colours are being added to the last few pages and I'm about to create the appendix pages at the back of the book.

Have your say: Pages on in the back of the book. 

I placed this poll in the Facebook community today. I'd love you to take a look and make your own suggestions on what topics you'd like to see covered:

Upcoming Events! 

Here are a couple of events we will be exhibiting at next month!

Big Church Day Out! 3rd & 4th June

This two day event is like a Christian music festival, this year featuring Matt Redman and Rend Collective among many others. If you are going to the event please come and see us in the "Big Church Expo" marquee.

The Gathering: Christian Vision for Men: 24-26 June

This weekend event is to encourage and build men in their faith! It's a really fun event and if you haven't booked in there are still spaces available. Come and see me in the exhibition area!


Growing pains: As a business, we are now beginning to outgrow our current capacity to store the books, to manage all the various suppliers and capacity to deal with the marketing required for each tile and initiate. This is a good thing, but we are looking at options and solutions to level up. Please pray the Lord provides the right avenue for us to go down to keep growing.