June: The sins of Nineveh, Kickstarter rewards and your feedback.

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Hi everyone, thanks so much for being on the mailing list, below we have a look at some exclusive content, a reminder to complete your Kickstarter backer surveys and a request for your feedback...


I was originally considering making the Kickstarter colouring book about Jonah (instead of the Gospels). Below are two sample pages with the colouring page and then the fact page that would have accompanied it. These pages did not get used because colouring demonic idols, witches, occult priest and implements were pointed out by my wife to be "not ok for kids" *tut*. I dunno, what's the world coming to.

Nevertheless, the facts page will be something that interests all of you...

Jonah Colouring 1.jpg
Jonah Colouring 2.jpg


I know filling in surveys is not super exciting but we are about to embark on an advertising campaign to promote the books in the USA and Canada as they will be fully distributed into highstreet bookshops, libraries and online retailers there from September this year. We’d love your help in order to create effective adverts that will spark people's interest and help them “get” the concept as quickly as possible. So the easiest way is to ask you what your experience was like and try to replicate the best parts of that! Sometimes what we think you value the most is not the thing you actually value the most, so it’s good to get the answers from you directly :)
It's not a long survey, so please could you help out and share your thoughts here:


A week ago we sent out the backer surveys where you add your address details and state whether you'd like to be credited by name as a backer in the book. If you don't fill in the form I can't credit you or send you anything so it's really important. Well done to everyone who's done so but there are still 32 people who haven't completed it. (If you know that your address will change in the next few months, please use your family/friend's address instead.) Head to the KS page and at the top one of the options is to view or complete the survey.

  • https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/word4wordbiblecomic/the-book-of-jonah-word-for-word-bible-comic-niv-and-nvi

URGENT: We're going to compile the thank you page very soon so please don't miss out.


Please continue to pray for the print run which is happening this month, that everything goes right and there are no misprints.

Please also continue to pray that we make the most of the opportunity to launch into the USA and utilising the Spanish versions reaching a whole new section of people with the Gospel in comic form!

May: What was Nineveh like?

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May Newsletter


In this image, you can see a little example of how the comic is drawn from archaeology. In this case, the great walls of Ninevah have left their ancient footprint in the modern-day city of Mosul, Iraq and I have used this (among many other sources) to create an elevation of the city. The line art here is on its side but you can see the colour image above in the banner.

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Watch this short video I posted in the FB group for a lot more info and examples like this about how I created the image of Nineveh for the book...

Finally, hit it the button below to see a satellite image of Ninevah/Mosul on Google Earth. You can zoom out and see the whole city or even use Streetview to have a little wander around. There's even a mosque dedicated to Jonah.


Most of the digital rewards have already been sent out and the Spanish digital versions will be following soon. We are booking in the print run for mid-June and will be putting them into the post by the end of that month and they should arrive with all of you in good time!


We will soon be printing our first co-edition books in English and Spanish, it's a tricky process so please pray it goes right and there are no misprints, the last thing we want is 5,000 books we can't sell due to errors.

Secondly, we are currently working on how to spend our marketing budget to reach people in the USA. Please pray the Lord is with us, to make good decisions and that (as advertising is always a bit of a gamble) he blesses the efforts and gets the ads in front of people who will benefit from God's word in this format!

April: Kickstarter and more.

Firstly I’ll share news about the Kickstarter campaign and then below is some other news too!

The Kickstarter! 

Thank you so much to everyone who has already backed the Kickstarter, especially if you backed during the launch weekend. The swift funding meant not only that I would not have to worry about it all month but Kickstarter selected it as a “Project we love”! (As you can see in this image)

Here’s how the funding is going, for those of you who like a nice graph. We are getting close to the end, but have hit 2 stretch goals. (£11,000 which gives all the Jonah copies a special holographic laminate cover). There is still a little time left to back (Ends Sunday at 8pm UK):


Gospel Colouring Factbook! 

Here's a little video about our other new product the Gospel Colouring Factbook, it's turned out even better than I thought and will be a really useful resource! These are currently only available through the Kickstarter and are £4 for one or 5 for £15.


We are currently in the week of Passover! In the images below are two sample pages from the gospel colouring factbook about the festival, Jesus' siblings and more. (If you open the email on a desktop you should be able to read it).

Foreign languages 

We are producing our own Spanish co-edition as we mentioned last month but we are also just yesterday signed a contract with Riggins Rights Management. This is an agency specialising in Christian books that finds publishers around the globe who wish to licence the rights to our books and produce them in alternative language version! I’m praying this will mean we can get the comics into Japan, Korea, China, across Europe and...well...just everywhere around the world!

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I'm very pleased with how the Kickstarter has gone so that was a great answer to prayer! Please join me in praying that our rights agents, Cindy Riggins and her team will find many open doors around the globe with publishers keen to take on the Word for Word Bible Comic in their own country! This could be a huge step into increasing the reach of God's word into areas of low literacy in general and limited Bible literacy.

March Newsletter: KICKSTARTER IS LIVE!!!

IT'S ON!! The Kickstarter launched a few seconds ago! Not only is this for The Book of Jonah but the Gospel Colouring Factbook too (see below)! What's really exciting is now you can manage your add-ons on the Kickstarter platform with ease! This means you can pick and chose the other books you need to complete your collection and pick up T-shirts and all the other goodies available!

If you are planning to pledge, please can I encourage you to do it straight away? The faster the project funds and the more backers it has the more "popular" Kickstarter judges it which means they will feature it in prominent places.

Please don't forget to share the Kickstarter far and wide with your friends and you can even download a sample PDF on the Kickstarter page and send that out too!


Thank you to so many of you who voted and gave their comments about the cover composition. You helped shape the cover! In the end, I managed to get the best of both worlds combining the favoured elements of both designs into one awesome!

Aside from grumpy jonah and the jaws style whale you can see an image of the King of Nineveh from the story, Adad Nirari III, the walls of Nineveh and some of the cuneiform of the day.

Both, the Book of Jonah and the colouring book, will be at the new format size of 245mm x 170mm. This is about 7m smaller than the previous titles but means we can print 32 pages per printing plate instead of 16. So it makes a huge difference for just a tiny change.


A brand new item is available with this Kickstarter! It's our all-age, 32-page Gospel Colouring Factbook.

Not only does this book contain images for you and maybe your kids to colour, but each image has the bible verses that relate to the image from all the gospels in which it features allowing you to compare the accounts. On the facing page will be facts about the historical and biblical elements that are relevant to that image. Check out the example below!


On the Kickstarter, you can also bag yourself one of these great T-shirts. Again, thank you to everyone who got involved in the Facebook group voting for your favourites and making suggestions!

🇪🇸 Disponible en Español - Verso a Verso!

When you look at the Kickstarter you will also notice that we are making the books available in Spanish too! Leslie (our wonderful colourist/designer in Mexico) is working hard to create co-editions in Spanish for Jonah and for the Gospel of Matthew right now! It has an exciting new name too! Verso a Verso Biblia-Cómic, which obviously mean Verse-by-Verse Bible Comics. This is a better phrase to use in Spanish than word-for-word and it also has a correlation with a movement is Spanish preaching to be more expositional, which is a helpful parallel for these books. They will have a purply-pink band and feature the NVI translation!

The Spanish alternative will be released alongside the direct release of the same books in English into the US Market! This will mean the Gospel of Matthew/Mateo is on general release in Spanish in August, and the Book of Jonah/Jonas will be in November.


To fit with the theme of the rest of this newsletter, please could you join with me praying for the word of this Kickstarter to get out, to bring in lots of new backers who've never seen to project before and for the goal to be reached quickly without any problems. Please also pray against any technical issues that might arise as it's been a rough road setting up this Kickstarter with several technical issues which I'm attributing to the Enemy and his schemes.

(UPDATE: Thanks to all the prayers the launch went smoothly and the video is now in its correct place)

February Newsletter: Have your say & pre-Easter sale

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We are excited to be gearing up for the Kickstarter for The Book of Jonah which launches in March, see below how you can get involved.
We love giving gifts and so we are giving you a huge discount on Matthew's Gospel which is brilliant a bible-centred option for Easter gifts, instead of a boring old chocolate egg.


I am about to develop the cover for the Book of Jonah. Head over to the FB group and cast your vote and add your comments and suggestions. https://www.facebook.com/groups/wordforwordbiblecomiccommunity


Give the gift of the Gospel this Easter! We are having a big sale on the Gospel of Matthew! You can get...
20% off on a single copy using code: EASTERGIFT or... 50% off a bundle of three copies!

Sale Ends: Fri March 5th (the start date of the Kickstarter). Why so early? ...

All overseas orders (that's outside the UK) weighing over 2kg (including this bundle of three) are only available on Economy delivery (up to 6 weeks with possible delays) due to BREXIT and COVID restrictions, so get your order in soon!

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The moment the Kickstarter launches we'll email you this monthly newsletter and notify you. If you plan to back and get yourself a special copy of Jonah please don't delay. The faster a project funds the more publicity it gets on the Kickstarter platform for being "popular", this helps people see it and start a positive cycle! Some items and offers will be limited in quantity or early bird offers, so don't hesitate when that email drops!

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With the Kickstarter campaign on the horizon, I'd love it if you could please pray for its success. Please pray it gets publicity and far exceeds its goal! It's an uncertain time for people financially, so we can never be sure what will happen. Lastly, of course, please pray for the end of this pandemic so everyone can get back to normal life, church gatherings and other social events and conventions can just get going again.

January: New Year, New Book, New opportunity

Jonah Banner for word bible comic nineveh

[Note: I forgot to repost this newsletter as a blog in Jan, sorry, if you’d like to receive this straight to your inbox you can sign up for the email version of the newsletter here ]

So much is happening right now, there's a lot to tell you, and much I can't yet tell you. Most importantly we are announcing what the new title will be!

New Book

We are really excited to announce that the new book we are working on for 2021 is...

The Book of Jonah Word for Word Bible Comic

The book is already drawn and is currently being coloured. We plan to run a Kickstarter for Jonah in March so get ready for that!

The pages of Jonah have just today begun to be shared with our patrons on Patreon. If you'd like to have exclusive access to the pages now, you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/WordforWordBibleComic


We truly value every patron and aside from the benefits included in backing the project you really help support the work. You also get to be involved in Patron Exclusive Hangout which has really shaped the project so far as members get to help decide on various aspects of the project!

Sneak peek

Here is the first look at one of the opening pages of The Book of Jonah. As Jonah is a short book I really took the time to bring out every element of the story and take my time telling the story. It has a lot of interesting things to draw like storms at sea and giant sea creatures, so it's been really fun to draw.

In this image, we see some of the historical elements as Jonah is told to “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it..."

Jonah Word for Word Bible Comic .png

New Opportunities: USA 🇺🇸

It's on! We have signed on the dotted line and from August 2021 Baker and Taylor will be distributing our books across the USA and Canada. They are not simply making the books available however, we have "full distribution" meaning they are promoting the books to all their clients, which includes all the major bookstore chains, Christianbooks.com, libraries, museum gift shops and even Diamond comics distribution. If this goes well we will then be able to see our books in comic shops across the US as well.

The current situations are impacting things, however, as new restrictions and surcharges due to Covid and Brexit are hugely increasing the cost to post to the USA. A box that used to cost about £45 to send before is currently being quoted at £140. We are seeking a new way to work with freight companies for business-to-business transit.

December Newsletter: Christmas Gifts, offers and updates

Mary and Joseph and baby jesus

It's time to crack open the Baileys and the Lebkuchen and think about those last Christmas gifts. Right now you can get 25% off with our Black Friday offer (below). Next month we'll be revealing the next book we are working on and here's some other great news!...

Premier Christianity Magazine Cover

We are really excited to tell you that Christianity Magazine did a big feature of the Gospel of Matthew, using the nativity story in this months issue! The magazine contains 10 comic pages, which I believe is the best way for people 'get' what we are about. We've had a number of orders already and I'm hoping some people will also decide to become monthly patrons too.

Not only were we on the inside but they commissioned a cover piece too. Check it out! It's got Joseph holding baby Jesus instead of Mary, middle eastern complexions, more than three Parthian Magi on horses and Herod as a Roman monarch, all historically accurate but not your average nativity...

Premier Christianity Magazine and word for Word Bible comic December 2020 cover

You can get a free copy using this link:

Video: Explaining the Nativity pages

Please receive this video as a Christmas gift for you to see more about the events surrounding the nativity! The video is one of those created for Patreon supporters every two weeks. This one covers the pages from Joseph waking up after speaking to the angel until the introduction of the Magi. In this type of video I cover the historical research, creative decisions involved and errors corrected. Enjoy!

Getting distribution in the USA 🇺🇸

We are edging ever closer to being able to make a deal with a US distributor. One of the biggest distributors there is in the US was really keen but then got cold feet. I've sent them a revised proposal of how we, as a company, can up our game to meet their requirements and now we are just waiting to hear back from them. Please pray that God's will be done there. If they are meant to partner with us that God makes it happen and if not for some reason we can go on to other options confident that it is the right move.


Firstly, can I say a big thank you again for all those who prayed last month about US distribution you really made a difference!

Our focus this month is on Christmas! Please pray lots of people her about the truth of Jesus and the gospel this Christmas, generally, and especially through our comics!

Black Friday Deal 

You can get 25% off all books and digital versions today! Offer started Fri 27th Nov and ends 15th Dec. USE CODE: BLACKFRIDAY25%

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November Newsletter

I'm not one to go on about Christmas too early normally, but we've got some new things to help you be ready for the Christmas season!

Biblical Christmas Cards 

We are really excited to tell you that this year you can get Bible Comic Christmas cards! I know you've been crying out, "Christmas is about Jesus, not candy canes and penguins!". Well, now you can send cards with nativity bible verses and historically accurate comic images. Also, as you can see in the image below we utilise the 'inside cover', adding an image there too which completes the verse with a second sequential image! There are three card designs, each card has two images. (These images were chosen via a poll on the Facebook group). They are A6 (4" x6") and come with festive red envelopes.

Introduce your friends to this new way to read the Bible with Word for Word Bible Comics!

Price: Pack of 6 = £3.99


Click through to the shop to see all the designs more closely.

Click through to the shop to see all the designs more closely.

5 types of people who would love a Bible Comic for Christmas 

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🎁 People who've never read the Bible: So many people these days have never read the Bible. Show them it's more than Psalms, Laws and boat of animals!

🎁 Comic lovers: Christian or otherwise, give a comic lover a comic and they'll read it. It's an easy way to share God's Word.

🎁 Church teens: Those who are getting too old for kids books but not ready to study a plain text Bible on their own. This will help keep them engaged!

🎁 Christians who want to study the Bible more: Seeing the story in images helps readers remember the details of the stories and makes reading whole books that much easier.

🎁 Bible Geeks and Bible experts: People who study the Bible and know all the tricky verses will enjoy seeing them resolved visually and seeing all the events happening in their cultural, geographical and historical context.

Ps. Don't forget monthly Newsletter subscribers get 10% - subscribe today

Shop now

For Europe Christmas deliveries- 5th November

If you are in Europe please be aware that due to COVID delays, if you want to order the books as Christmas presents for ECONOMY delivery before Christmas you have just a few days! After that, we advise you to use the "standard" delivery option.

Sneak peek

Here's a look at a verse of Matthew's Gospel that does not feature in Marks gospel, Jesus healing in the temple. 

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Getting distribution in the USA

For the last month, I've been pursuing getting a US wholesaler or distributor. We decided to try using my network of people met at various events to find a connection over there and it really worked! We now have 4 potential companies who have responded and are at differing degrees in the process from sending in samples and forms to having Zoom meetings. I really feel the Lord has His hand on this to go ahead now, and I think this has been helped along by my elite prayer team, and all of you who've prayed off the back of these newsletters. Please continue to pray that we find the right one not so much to do well financially, but to get the books out and into not only the Christian market but the general bookstores across the USA.


Firstly, can I say a big thank you for all those who prayed last month about US distribution you really made a difference!

Our focus this month is on Christmas! Please pray lots of people her about the truth of Jesus and the gospel this Christmas, generally, and especially through our comics!