HAVE YOUR SAY: Christmas card designs!

We are considering doing Christmas cards! But which images would make the best cards?

Head over to the Facebook group to cast your votes HERE

Please go to the facebook group link and "Vote" by adding 👍 for one vote or ❤ for two votes to your favourite. You can also, tell me any good ideas you have like captions or combos below or on the images.

We may only be able to do one design but we hope to make a batch of three. Which is the best?

October Newsletter : News and Reviews

Royal Mail advises 5th October for ECONOMY Christmas deliveries. 

If you are in the USA, Canada or another far-flung place, please be aware that due to COVID delays, if you want to order the books as Christmas presents for ECONOMY delivery before Christmas you have just a few days! After that, we advise you to use the "standard" delivery option. 

Head to the shop to order these today!

Shop now

UK Prisons to receive copies of the WfWBC! 

At the end of September, the trustees of a UK charity that focuses on ministering to the inmates in UK prisons gathered and made the decision to supply all UK prisons with copies of the Word for Word Bible Comic! These will be available through the prisons' chaplaincy to provide inmates with an easy and accessible way to read and understand the Gospel and the other Biblical books we have covered so far. 

Serving this community is something we are really passionate about but until now have had limited access to. We believe the hard-hitting action and un-sugarcoated presentation of Gods truth will really help them engage with the Word in a new way!

It is the early stages of making these arrangements and supplying the books, but I'd love you to join us in prayer. We'll be praying that these books will really make an impact on these people who need the transformative power of the gospel so keenly.

The Gospel of Matthew in Vanuatu!!?!?

During September we have made arrangements with a Wycliffe missionary group in the Republic of Vanuatu for them to create a version of the Gospel of Matthew in the local language.

These small tropical islands have just 5,000 local language speakers. This group can now freely produce versions of the comic to help communicate the gospel in word and image. 

Reviews of the Gospel of Matthew ★★★★★

Several blogs and sites have recently reviewed the new books to great acclaim. You can read those reviews following the links below.

Top 3 Review articles

More importantly please would you write your own little review on Amazon and Goodreads, it really helps new customers have the confidence to buy when they see those ratings. Currently, the Gospel of Matthew has none on Amazon so please help. 

Please add your own review it REALLY helps 

  • https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gospel-Matthew-Word-Comic-Bible/dp/0995603561

  • https://www.amazon.com/Gospel-Matthew-Word-Comic-Bible/dp/0995603561

  • https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55468956-the-gospel-of-matthew

Sneak peek

In the Gospel of Matthew Peter walks on the water with Jesus, a detail that Mark omits. Here is the first few panels of that event. 

Peter walks on water The Word for Word Bible Comic


Firstly, can I say a big thank you for all those who prayed last month about the prisons and the other languages, as you can see it really helped! 

We have yet other alternative language opportunities to pray for, so please intercede for us there. 

Our big focus this month is going to be finding a USA distributor. Please pray the right company will agree to carry the books and do a good job of marketing them and getting them out to suppliers. 

September Newsletter : Official book launch today! 🎉

Gospel of Matthew is out now! If you haven't got your copy you can grab it now at  https://www.wordforwordbiblecomic.com/buy

Remember newsletter subscribers receive 10% off. Sign up below

Please help spread the exciting news about the launch by sharing this 15-second promo video. It's supposed to be super fast to catch the eye and quickly show the exciting things inside the Gospel of Matthew!

Please head over to our social media pages and give it a share :

Facebook post 

Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/wordforwordbiblecomic
Twitter - https://twitter.com/WforWBibleComic
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wordforwordbiblecomic/
Reddit- https://www.reddit.com/user/Word4WordBibleComic

In the image on the video you can see Matt 7:15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." 

You'll notice the sheep and the wolf is the native breed to the region of Israel (an Arabian Wolf)

Sneak peek

In this image we see Satan beginning to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. You'll notice that aside from the colour his appearance is similar to the other cherubim in the comic.

Satan Tempts Jesus Word for WOrd bible Comic

Radio Interview

Yesterday, I was a guest on UCB2 radio with Ruth O'Reilly-Smith. Here is a link to listen to the edited down interview (25mins) 

Listen now


We are excited to be adding the bible comics to a new platform; GRAPHITE. This is a website where you can stream the latest comics. You can read thousands of comics and graphic novels for free and get access to the rest with the $3/month subscription. So far we have added Matthew's Gospel on there and the other books will follow. They even have a "Religious Comics" section. 



Please prayer that the comics can be made available in prisons across the UK, this is one of our dreams and an opportunity is currently in the balance, so your intercession will be extremely valuable. 

One of our wholesalers went into administration during the COVID lockdown and they had invoices outstanding to us for over 300 books. Please pray for the staff there and that we might see some books back or invoices paid from this. Currently, it seems this will all just be lost. 

We have started the wheels turning on developing an alternate language version of Matthew's Gospel, please pray for doors open into that market. 

July Newsletter

me with matthew book .jpg

Today we received the first 350 copies of the brand new Gospel of Matthew graphic novel. These are the shiny Kickstarter exclusive editions! Next week we will receive the other 1,500 standard copies and have to haul those 60 big boxes into the house and then up a ladder into the loft!

Wish me luck.

Kickstarter backer rewards on their way!

This weekend, we will be working hard to get all the Kickstarter packages packed up and into the post on Monday. That means if you are in the UK, Europe or the USA, you should receive them before the end of this month, God willing. Please post a picture on Social media when you receive it, and gimme a tag. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you backed for physical rewards and did not fill in your survey with your address, we won't be able to send your copy. Please add your address on the Kickstarter page.

Digital rewards: Your copy of The Gospel of Matthew is being sent to you today through a Kickstarter update that should get to you in the next couple of hours, so keep an eye out for that! 

Kickstarter backers receive these extra shiny special edition with an alternative cover and holographic lamination, thanks to hitting those stretch goals! Check it out, it's like rainbow fire! 

Preorder now 

preorder book icon Matthew RGB.jpg

You can now preorder your standard copy of The Gospel of Matthew on the website. The preorder will be held until just before the release date and then you should receive it on or around the 4th of September! 

Note: If you're a patron of $3+/month you can get 25% off with your Patreon discount code.

Gift Card

For a limited time only, you can purchase an online gift card. We have £10, £20, £50 and £65 available!



Please pray for the Gospel of Matthew to reach new places! I'd love to get it into an American wholesaler and be able to supply Christianbooks .com and other US booksellers. Please pray for the adverts we place this autumn and winter to be in the right places and really help the project grow. Lastly, please pray for wisdom and insight for me as I start working on the next book, to do a good representation of the text and correct interpretation.

🔴 Weekly LIVE videos!  

Every week on a Friday (at 7pm UK time) there is a new instalment of the Judges Bible study Live on FB, YouTube and our other Social media outlets. Here are the last three: 

June Newsletter : Challenging Times

The Gospel of Matthew Word for WOrd Bible Comic

The creation of Matthew is very nearly complete! More detail below. 

Sneak peek at the Book of Matthew

How will the long sermons look on Matthew? Here is an example from the Sermon on the Mount. You can see the commandment written that Jesus is talking about and also an allusion to an Old Testament example. In this case, the story of Cain and Abel. 

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Challenging times

I have been asked many times if the lockdown has affected the business, well, yes it has. Firstly, all the bookshops and wholesale warehouses that supply online retailers have been shut. Secondly, all large events (comic cons, Christian conferences and the like) have all been cancelled. In total over the last three months, our income has dropped to just under a third of what we saw last year. 

Sadly we've also lost several monthly patrons due to people being out of work. If you are one of those people, please know we are praying for you.

We have faith that God will provide all we need, and I feel blessed that we completed the Kickstarter before things really kicked off with COVID. 

As I was writing and rewording this little section, I just received an email from Sputnik.co.uk  (a UK-based network of faith-driven artists) telling us they'd approved our application for £200 funding! I'm really encouraged by the precise timing and just know the Lord has his hand on the project. 

To help us please pray, tell your friends about the project, invite them to the social media groups and maybe buy some copies for your friends and local church library. 


All the comic pages are drawn. I'm just putting together the last few sketch pages at the end of the book now and Ryan and Leslie are completing the colours on the last few pages. Zondervan have OKed all the pages they've seen (95%). So it just needs proofreading and compiling into a print file. The plan is to submit it to the printers at the end of this month and have them out to Kickstarter backers by the end of next month!

Matthew Progress June 20.jpg


Please keep us in your prayer, regarding provision and progress. Please pray there are no errors in the books that go to print and the NIV translation helps use sell more copies and get the books into new places and suppliers.

🔴 Weekly LIVE videos!  

Every week on a Friday at 1pm (UK) there is a new instalment of the Judges Bible study Live on FB, YouTube and our other Social media outlets. Here is the latest:

"The tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. " Matthew 27:52

Crucifixion Jesus Matthew

Let's talk about Matthew 27:52-53 : The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.

This verse only event is only mentioned in Matthew's Gospel, but we shouldn't worry about that. I found this quote from St. Augustine "There is no reason to fear that these facts, which have been related only by Matthew, may appear to be inconsistent with the narrative present by any one of the rest [of the Gospel writers]… it would still have been perfectly legitimate to suppose, that as many astonishing things did place at that time… the historians were at liberty to select for narration any particular incident which they were severally disposed to instance as the subject of the wonder."

I am wondering two things. Who were the people raised and what happened to them afterwards?

Who were they? 

I've found some very interesting articles and regarding the identity of the holy people, it would clearly be Jewish holy folk ("old testament saints"), as I do not believe there would be "many" dead actual Christians in Jerusalem at this point.

I've heard a few theories about these "saints". One that I hadn't heard until recently was that at the resurrection Jesus defended to Hades and emptied out the good side of Hades (aka. those in Abraham's bosom, Luke 16:19-31) and from that point on in history, no believer went to wait in Hades but was "with the Lord" when they died. (See 1 Peter 3:19 also). This local resurrection, then, was an evidence God decided to use of that happening.

If this idea is new one on you, it might help to think about the fact that in order to inhabit the resurrected bodies the souls of these dead would have had to come from somewhere. So if some souls are being taken from Hades to Earth, why not free all the faithful souls?  

I believe this is a belief John Calvin ascribed, in his commentary on this verse he says "This was a particular portent in which God testified that His Son had entered death’s prison, not to stay there shut up, but to lead all free who were there held captive….  That is the reason why He, who was soon to be shut in a tomb opened the tombs elsewhere."

My ponderings on this make me also wonder if John the Baptist was among these resurrected. He was dead at the time, killed nearby and his family home was likely in or near Jerusalem (his father being a Temple priest). Just a thought.

What happened to the Resurrected people afterwards?

Some commentators believe they rose and lived mundane lives again and died again like Lazerus. Others that they returned to their graves once they'd testified. For me, it seems most likely that they were translated/ascended just as Christ did. This makes sense particularly if the idea presented above has merit as they are truly among those taken from Hades to be with Christ. 

What are your thoughts on the matter? 

Below, Ive linked a few of websites that discuss the matter is you'd like some further reading ;) 

  • https://www.ucg.org/bible-study-tools/bible-questions-and-answers/what-happened-to-the-resurrected-saints-mentioned-in

  • https://defendinginerrancy.com/early-fathers-resurrection-saints/

  • https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/split-rocks-open-tombs-raised-bodies

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_27:53

Roman surely this man was the son of god
Become a Patron : https://www.patreon.com/WordforWordBibleComic

Become a Patron : https://www.patreon.com/WordforWordBibleComic

May Newsletter- Success, winners and progress

May Newsletter 

The Kickstarter is now complete and we are on to finishing off the book and getting ready to fulfil all the Kickstarter orders!

Competition Winners! 

The competition was won by Adam Eveleigh and Esther Moreton, so now they are immortalised at the triumphal entry of Christ! They even have speaking parts! (Centre).

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Results of the Kickstarter 

Below you can see a graph of how the Kickstarter concluded! The minimum target was £10,000 and ended on £16.598. We hit two stretch goal so the special books received by backers will have a special holographic lamination and Spot UV elements on the cover!

If you were a backer, thank you very much! If you haven't completed your backer survey (with your address etc) please do so today! We will be sending out a lot of the completed books straight away and so we will be downloading the backer information soon and we'd like it to all be there!

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Sneak peek at the Book of Matthew


Satan appears to tempt Jesus. 

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Support the comic with a small monthly contribution via Patreon 


During this time being locked indoors, I've been trying to make good progress on the pages of the comic! As you can see 192 are drawn and another 7 are in progress. There are only 219 comic story pages in the book so I'm not too far from completing those and then I'll quickly add the sketchbook pages and notes to the back and get it checked and then off to the printers! 

Matthew Progress May 20.jpg


Prayer is such an important element in this project and we'd love you to continue asking the Lord to guide us and help us make the right creative choices! 

Everyone is being affected by the current situation, for us, one impact that book shops are closed and the Christian events are all cancelled. We are hoping that in September things will be opening up in time to sell the books at the September launch and the run-up to Christmas this year. So please continue to pray this situation will end so and we can return to normal.

🔴 Weekly LIVE videos!  

Judges 3:26-31 Bible Study

Judges 4:1-3 Bible Study

Judges 4:4-10 Bible Study

April: Funding Finishing. Free stuff and Face in the Bible

free mark kindle offer.jpg

Funding Finishing

Hi everyone! We are really pleased with how the Kickstarter Campaign has gone so far! Many of you got in in the first 48 hours and that was great! Thank you so much. We are now in the last days so if you haven't got your unique rewards yet times in running out. 


And remember, the new books purchased through Kickstarter have special covers and when we hit the next stretch goal they will also have spot UV covers too. 

Free Gospel of Mark Kindle Gift!

To celebrate hitting the minimum target on Kickstarter for the Gospel of Matthew, we are making the full 180 page digital graphic novel available free!

This is a one time offer so please tell your friends and spread the news.  Available until April 7th only.

Share this link:  https://wordforwordbiblecomic.com/kindle-gospel-of-mark-free-all

Face in the Bible

Don't miss this Competition to win having your face drawn into the Gospel of Matthew triumphal entry scene. Just click the images and it'll take you to Facebook where you can enter by tagging a friend and sharing the post! 

🔴 The LIVE videos

The LIVE video series continues with the book you voted for! Use the link below to watch the last few. 

Judges 2:15-3:10 Bible Study

Judges 3:11-19 Bible Study 

Judges 3:20-25 Bible Study

Back the Kickstarter...