In 2018, thanks to your opinions and suggestions a template was established. Each Gospels cover will have the same format but the elements within it will be relevant to that specific Gospel.
These Elements are:
A- Jesus' appearance
B- The circle/halo behind Jesus
C- The significant event or place of this Gospel
D- The most significant female character
E- A period image to incorporate
F- What colour scheme (Mark was Blue)
When making suggestions think about if the element is better suited to another Gospel (E.g. Mary the mother of Jesus might be significant in Matthew, but she is more central in Luke). I'd love to hear your thoughts. You can add comments below, or head over to the Facebook post to see more comments and join the discussion there:
More info:
A- Jesus' Appearance: In Mark, he was portrayed as the suffering servant. In John, he will be more divine looking as The WORD. In Matthew, the focus is on how he is the fulfilment of the OT Hebrew Scriptures, the King and the promised Messiah. The book is focused on the Jewish reader. So how should he look?
B- The Circle/halo: In Mark, this is the full Moon that hung overhead during the Passover where Jesus was arrested and tried, it forms a sort of halo. I was planning to do this on each but need 4 types to make it work. Alternatively, this could just be in Mark and there could be something else (a scroll etc) or nothing. Things I was thinking of was the Sun, the crown of thorns, a halo, a coin....... what' you got?
C- Significant event or place or beginning: In Mark, this was John the Baptist as it is the opening scene rather than the nativity. In this book, it could be the nativity to parallel the "beginning" aspect, or it could be another unique event of the Gospel (like the Magi visit), or it could be a significant place as the Mark image includes the Jordan River.
D- Significant Female Character: To balance the cover gender-wise its fun to include a female character. In Mark, it was Mary Magdeline as there is a lot of detail about her at the Ressurection. As mentioned, in Luke it will be Mary the mother of Jesus as she is so central there. But who should it be in this book?
E- Period Image: On all the covers we've done on all the books there are period images incorporated in the cover. In Mark, it was some contemporary philosophers and some original text from the Gospel of Mark in Koine Greek. Any suggestions for this one?
F: Colour scheme: As well as adjusting the elements the big thing will be choosing a dominant colour. As you can see Mark had dark blue as it matched the night sky that the Moon was in. What colour might suit this Gospel the best and way?