Next month we are going to launch a new Kickstarter for something exciting, but it’s not a comic :O

Mystery Kickstarter Next Month!

This Kickstarter is really exciting, it’s something I’ve been working on with a friend for several years on and off, but now we have all the components to really make this thing take off! We plan to launch next month (God willing). He’s a (not-very-helpful) teaser image…

It is relevant to you as a Bible Comic fan, but I can’t tell you more yet because…

Announced first to Patrons!

We’d like to reward our dependable patrons with the inside track regarding what is coming up. As people who are invested in the project long term, we not only want to give our patrons something extra but hear their trusted feedback. (Note: it’s not what we talked about at the last Patreon hangout)

So very soon we will be having a Patreon Hang Out (video call) and there, myself and my friend will announce what the Kickstarter will be and we will be looking for feedback.

If you’d like to be among the first to hear about it and even have an influence on things like names and little elements within the project, as well as Kickstarter rewards and add-ons, you can become a Patron from just $1 a month.

Become a Patron today and join the first step which will be fixing the best date for the video call here: https://www.patreon.com/WordforWordBibleComic

 Patreon Page 

Find out more on the socials…

During the next month, we will be dropping hints and eventually letting you know what’s coming. So if you don’t already follow us, you can do so here:

And you can also get a direct notification from Kickstarter by following here:

Fulfilling the Acts Kickstarter

All the digital rewards have been sent out. We have all the books, the coins, the colouring factbooks, the extra, the postage boxes and all envelopes in hand. We’ll be sending them out over the next 2 weeks so they’ll be with you by the end of August, if not before!

This is just the packaging stuff…

Today I set up the kitchen table in the living room to get the Kickstarter editions numbered…

Prayer Request

Secret Kickstarter: Please pray for our secret Kickstarter project to be a success. There’s a lot of work to get done before the launch, please pray it all goes smoothly.

The Next Book(s): Which book(s) we do next is still up in the air. Please pray the Lord will reveal the best path to navigate our way through illustrating the Bible over the next few years.

JUNE NEWSLETTER: 10 Year Anniversary

10 Year Anniversary

Can you believe it!?! The Word for Word Bible Comic is officially 10 years old today. On this day in history, we registered the company. At that point, the first Kickstarter had recently been completed and I'd already been working on the project part-time for about 6 years in sketchbooks and in prayer, but that's when it was official. In the time since we've covered ten books of the Bible and if you count all the translations in English and Spanish, and colouring books we've published 21 books :o

I want to take this opportunity to thank the team who've done finance, admin, packaging, colouring, print files, kindle files, marketing and more. I'd also really love to thank everyone who has backed a Kickstarter, bought a book or supported us regularly through our Patreon! Without your financial support, this wouldn't have made it off the ground!


Anniversary gift coming soon

We are just about to release Mark’s Gospel: NIV on Kindle. I had hoped to give you a free copy right now to celebrate the 10 year anniversary, but it’s still in review…thanks Amazon. So, keep an eye on our socials for an announcement with the link in the next few days!

FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wordforwordbiblecomiccommunity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WforWBibleComic
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wordforwordbiblecomic
Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@WordforWordBibleComic
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B01LHK7LLW

Vote for the book you’d like best

Act’s is finished and off to the printer, and now I’m working on a short book (which I haven’t officially announced) but after that, I’ll be able to do a longer one. I'd like to see what book you are most keen to read as a Bible Comic from this selection. (You can select more than one but selecting them all won't help). Head to the Patreon poll to cast your vote.

Kickstarter: Digital Acts coming soon

All Kickstarter backers who have rewards will receive a copy of the new Acts of the Apostles graphic novel as a downloadable PDF very soon. It will come to you as a Kickstarter update with a link so watch out for that email!

PS: The Kickstarter surveys went out a week or two ago, if you haven’t filled in your address you won’t be able to get your rewards.


I’ve had a Tiktok for a while but I’m keen to build it up over the next month or two. I’ll be posting little videos there so if you use TikTok come and follow me there! www.tiktok.com/@wordforwordbiblecomic

Event: The Gathering (CVM)

In 10 days time I’ll be in a field near Swindow for the men’s conference. I do fewer and fewer events these days but this is my favourite. I know lots of you on this newsletter will be there, so be sure to come over and bring your mates! I’ll have special cover versions and other unique items so don’t miss us.

Prayer Request

Acts Production: We’ve just sent off the Book of Acts, the Colouring book and the map to the printer. Please pray it’s all fine and in order with no errors

Foreign Languages: We are still working to get the comic converted into more languages, please pray that partners would take the plunge and start producing the project in their countries.


I forgot to post the contents of the newsletter in this blog last month, but for completeness, here it is. To ensure you get the update straight to your inbox subscribe here. It’s only once a month.

With the crowdfunding finished, it is now time to make sure the book is complete in time for printing in early June.

Here’s a new image from inside (Acts 19:14-17)

Kickstarter: Our most successful yet!

Thanks so much to everyone who backed the Kickstarter for the Book of Acts. It was our most successful campaign to date, ending at £36,097 with 549 backers. We unlocked all four stretch goals to add a holographic cover, add 8 extra note pages, a coin and a separate map poster.

The coins have already been struck and are winging their way to us. Here’s a look at how they turned out.

(These coins were created by Peter Shultz for “The Acts: Letters from Rome - Christian strategy board game” which you could still get hold of here)

Patreon Hangout

On May 6th at 7:30 pm (UK) I’ll be hosting our next Patreon Hangout! This is a video call of about an hour where I answer questions, talk about upcoming plans and more. This time I have a couple of opportunities, which I’ll be asking the patrons for their thoughts on too. In the past, patron opinions have helped guide the project in significant ways, so if you’d like to be there become a patron today!

If you’d like to join us and support the project on a regular basis from as little as £1 a month, head to our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/WordforWordBibleComic

Have your Say: Note pages in Acts

I’ve got several good ideas for articles like “What happened to the Apostles after Acts?”, a timeline, maps etc. But what topics or questions would you like to see addressed at the back of Acts?

Head over to our Facebook group and chip in or just reply to this email.

Prayer Request

Acts Production: All the pages are drawn. We are working towards getting it printed in early June, please pray there are no errors in the print and all goes smoothly to finish on time.

Foreign Languages: We are still working to get the comic converted into more languages, please pray that partners would take the plunge and start producing the project in their countries.

What’s next:
Once I have the book of Acts and the Christmas Colouring book complete I’ll be starting a new book. I’m not sure which so please pray the Lord leads me to the one He wants me to do next!

APRIL NEWSLETTER: Time is Running Out… Kickstarter, Free Luke’s Gospel


Have we mentioned our latest Kickstarter… The Acts of the Apostles is one of our most ambitious projects to date, and time is running out to back our campaign and receive your special limited edition. Our final stretch goals are in sight, but time is running out, so click the link below and make your pledge.

Thank you! Our most successful yet!

To everyone who has already backed the Kickstarter, you did a fantastic job of helping us hit our initial goal in just 8 hours! We rocketed up at the start; we’ve now had more backers and funding than ever before!

We’ve unlocked two stretch goals, giving all Kickstarter copies of Acts a holographic cover and a special period replica coin with every physical reward!

For the last few days, we've been hovering around the £31K mark, even dropping a little on some days, but I believe we can reach these last goals to get over £35K, unlocking the next two stretch goal rewards! We’ve had over 450 backers, but there are nearly 3K people in this newsletter, so if you’re still considering which option to go for, head over and make your pledge.

Easter present for you

Over Easter, the Gospel of Luke Word for Word Bible Comic has been available for free on Kindle. This offer runs out tomorrow (2nd April) at midnight, so get yours today.

Prayer Request

Kickstarter: As we enter the final stretch, please pray we grab the attention of numerous new backers and all those planning to go back so they can hear about it and take action!

Acts Production: I’m just drawing the last 10 comic pages. Please pray we get the whole book coloured, proofread, formatted, and printed by the deadline without any obstacles or errors!


To celebrate Easter and the fact we are currently doing a Kickstarter for The Gospel of Luke vol 2 (a.k.a. Acts of the Apostles), we are giving away Kindle versions of The Gospel of Luke: Word for Word Bible Comic! Call it an Easter present ;)

That’s 267 pages of graphic novels in digital format for Kindle (including guided view) for free.
All we ask is you add your review on Amazon and also consider backing our Kickstarter too!

(Ends: Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 11:59 PM PDT)

To find the Gospel of Luke head here:

In other areas just bring up ASIN: B0CW1989RB on your local Amazon.

To find our Kickstarter hit the image below!


On the cover of Acts of the Apostles, as I originally drew it the disciples have their eyes filled with the colour that represents the Holy Spirit in these comics, but recently and over the years I've had people say that the glowing eyes look creepy or that they are possessed.

I haven't worried about this on the inside of the book as it's a consistent motif and I believe people who read comics are very used to glowing eyes representing being filled with power more than possession, but covers are a different kettle of fish.

People can judge the whole book and get misconceptions from the cover without picking it up, and maybe we need to accommodate non-comic readers (mums, grandfathers etc). Therefore, should I revise the cover to have the disciples have normal eyes, and why/why not?

Add your comment below :)

We currently have a Kickstarter running. Don’t miss your opportunity to get the Kickstarter Edition or even a Collectors edition of Acts of the Apostles :

MARCH NEWSLETTER: The Kickstarter is Live!

The Kickstarter is LIVE!

I’m excited to announce that our new Kickstarter has begun, if you plan to back the campaign and preorder your copy please can I encourage you to do so at the start.

5 reasons to back at the start

1) Early Bird and unique rewards go extremely quickly! 
2) Whenever you pledge, payment is not required until after the campaign ends. (Sunday April 7th) 
3) The faster a Kickstarter funds the more highly it is ranked for being "popular". This gives "social proof" to the project and can also lead to getting featured on Kickstarter's top projects page!
4) We are utilising a marketing agent this time and I'd like for all my existing supporters to back early using this specific link so we do not pay a commission on your pledge. 
5) Stops us stressing about whether the project will fund. D:

Great Reviews for Song of Songs ❤

The Song of Songs was officially released in shops this week. We’ve had some really great reviews linked below, but what would be amazing is if you could add your own short review to our Amazon listing too! You could write how it went down as a Valentine’s gift too if you’re one of the lucky ones who received it as a gift!


Extract: “It is in no way vulgar or crass. As a matter of fact, in reading my review copy, I was reminded how pure and revered our marriages should be, how tenderly we are to treat one another, and how respectfully we are to regard one another. Pillario's renderings of the bride and her groom are passionate and sweet, a reminder to us all of the good things God intends for a man and a woman in marriage”. Read more

Extract: “…it even exudes an authentic ambience of love that moves the heart deeply, to captivate the vivid imagination of the modern reader of today’s fast-moving world." Read more

Youtube Review Extract: “[I thought] This is going to be ridiculous in comic form, but it turned out...it wasn't. The Song of Songs actually might rank up as the best books in the Bible, maybe even the book of the Bible that could benefit the most from being turned into a comic book! They totally won me over. [...] I cannot think of a single negative thing to say about this comic book” Watch the video

 Add your Amazon Review 


Kickstarter: Please pray this crowdfunding goes really well and really catches peoples attention, even getting into blogs and news reports and going viral!

Health: Please pray for the good health of the team, particularly during KS campaigns we tend to get unwell and I pray the whole team is 100% healthy in mind and body!