We have created an exciting new competition!

WIN!! Be in the crowd at Jesus' triumphal entry in the new graphic novel on the Gospel of Mark! In this competition, you can have the likeness of you and a friend drawn into this crowd scene in The Gospel of Mark: Word for Word Bible Comic. Just retweet or tag a friend in the comments of the facebook post and you will both be in the running to win this prize. Tag multiple friends for multiple entries. Winner announced April 9th - Palm Sunday.

This competition is to promote our Kickstarter campaign, which you can support at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/word4wordbiblecomic/the-gospel-of-mark-word-for-word-bible-comic-book

Terms and Conditions below.

Find the post here :


Tweet https://twitter.com/WforWBibleComic/status/844228077358108672

Here's the video. Find it here and start retweeting and tagging those friends


Conditions: The Crowd-funding on Kickstarter must hit it's goal, or else there may be not Gospel of Mark comic for you to be drawn into. 

If you pledged to recieve the Kickstarter reward "You in the Bible" and win this prize, this will not give you a refund but extra faces to elect to have as well. 

Entries: FACEBOOK : Each time you tag a friend that counts as one entry, that entry includes you and that friend. If you tag multiple friends you receive multiple entries, each one with the friend creating the comment and the 'tagged' friend. 

TWITTER : Each retweet of the competition post counts as an entry. The winner may choose the friend they want as the second winner as tags cannot be tracked easily. 

If the post is duplicated/shared and people are tagged on those duplicates they will not be included, so please ensure you are using the original post from  https://www.facebook.com/wordforwordbiblecomic/ or https://twitter.com/WforWBibleComic

There will be one pair of winners across the whole competition, even if multiple versions of competition posts are created by the page https://www.facebook.com/wordforwordbiblecomic/ or Twitter account https://twitter.com/WforWBibleComic.

The winner will be selected at random from all the entries for the competition. 

Prize: The prize is to have the likeness of the pair of winners drawn into the crowd that welcome Jesus as he rides a donkey into the city of Jerusalem. You will each appear in at least 2 panels. You may decide if you are praising or not, but your clothes and position in the crowd will be assigned to you. You will not have glasses or anything too modern like hairstyle or modern tattoos, if you do have such things, they will be covered up a bit or interpreted as a first-century equivalent.

In the picture on the video is a man and a woman, but this is only an example and two people of any gender, age etc may be the winners. 

There is no cash prize equivalent. 

There are two winners assigned for the one winning entry. Each of those winners decides if they are happy to appear in the comic, if not they can elect someone else as long as they are willing. 

The image will be a comic style representation of the winners, not photo real unmistakable portraits. Please bear this in mind. 

You will be both identified as the winner with your real name, at the back of the book along with the Kickstarter backers, unless you wish not to be. 

You will both be contacted on your FB or Twitter account and on the post. Please be sure to check your "Message Requests" on FB and Direct Messages on Twitter after the 9th of April. 



Have your say: What should Satan look like?

Join us on Sunday at 9pm GMT (4pm EST) to talk, discuss, do Q&A on how Satan should look in the Word for Word Bible Comic. Chip in or just listen. I don't have an answer yet but as he's in Mark 1:13 I need to start preparing.

Sunday 9pm GMT (4pm EST) 

Sunday 9pm GMT (4pm EST) 

Heres the link,  



Satan was one of the Cherubim, so if you'd like to get ahead and see our blog on the Appearance of Cherubim you can see it here ...


You can add your comments there now if you like, or below

The Kickstarter is Live

In under a week, we have nearly reach 6K or the 15K target.

We are really excited to be starting the Gospel of Mark

This widget stays up to date as we go... 

♥ We are 'Loved' ♥

The project is featured as one of Kickstarter's "Projects We Love". Which means it get more visibility and a little blue heart icon, and it animates try it on the Widget!  :) 

It's going really well, but there's still a long way to go. 

We are really happy to be at 38% but we can't relax until we hit the goal, and there's still 62% to go.  Please help us by telling your friends and sharing it on social media.

Here are a few links you can use to do that easily. 


Bleeding Cool

It has also been featured on Bleeding Cool, you can see the blog here 



 I did Kickstarter Live!

I did some live drawing on Kickstarter Live. Using my webcam, mic, paper and a pen :).

On Kickstarter it recorded well. We also live-streamed it onto Facebook and accidently left it running a couple of minutes after the end. DOH. Amusingly the webcam stayed up where'd taped it all through the recording but about 5 seconds after it had finished it fell down. Ha ha.

Watch it here: https://live.kickstarter.com/simon-amadeus-pillario-a-morgan/live/live-drawing-the-word-for-word-bible-comic-1

There's even the I page was drawing up as a special reduced price reward on the page.

Thanks for reading :) 

Feb Newsletter : Just 2 weeks 'til the Gospel of Mark Kickstarter!

Below we've got a progress report and newsletter, but above all else, we'd like you to know that the Kickstarter funding for Mark is starting on Friday 3rd March! We'd love you to support us and get some great rewards along the way! 

1 min Video:  Announcement. 


About the Kickstarter

Here are some images to get you excited! 

Roman Centurion surely truely this man was the son of god Mark

How it works

With Kickstarter it's really key to get off to a good start in order to grab the attention of news outlets, bloggers etc as well as getting featured by of Kickstarter. So if you plan to get onboard please do so on the first day, there are also limited quantity items so don't delay :) 

I'll be sending the March newsletter the minute it launches on the 3rd! Please look out for that, and prayerfully consider if you'd like to help smash this funding goal. 

There are no half-measures with Kickstarter, and funding is all or nothing. We have to set a goal which will definitely cover all the print costs, creation costs, shipping, fees and taxes. This minimum goal will be £15,000 to make this thing on a shoe-string but I am praying for at least £20,000 to ensure the quality of the product.

The project is not live yet, but if you want the link new to my Kickstarter profile and the previous successful campaigns you can find them here... 


What if... 

To be honest, not having a successful Kickstarter would be problematic for us as I, the artist, would have to immediately stop working on the project full-time, return to a 'day job' and instead of starting a new book, I'd have to concentrate on improving the sales of the first three books until they could support the ongoing work. 

Not just about money 

Sharing the news of the Kickstarter is also going to be something I'm really relying on you to help with, please. If you can't back the Kickstarter financially that's really fine, but if you think it's interesting please share it on FB and Twitter, forward it to a few friends. Even if just one friend picks it up it makes a big difference as the last two Kickstarters only needed about 200 people to back it for it to raise around £20,000.

If you are a super fan, I'm really going to pulling on your support and giving some extra offers for doing so during the KS period, if you're not a super fan but want to be (even temporarily) add yourself to the list here.

SUPER FAN MAILING LIST >> http://eepurl.com/b9gR3f


The Book of Joshua is complete except for the colouring of the last 25 pages as you can see below. We are planning for it to be finished within 2-3 months and then printed ready to be sent out as Kickstarter rewards, fulfilling the original Kickstarter and the current one at the same time, which helps when deciding how many to print. 

Also, all the backers who earned the reward of having their face in that book are in there now.

The big UK publisher I was talking to has declined to go forward but we are still talking to publishers in a few other countries about them taking on alternative language versions of the bible comic. 

Cover of Joshua

Thank you to everyone who gave their opinion on the Cover of Joshua, in last month's blog. As a conclusion to that, this is the final design.

Professional Voice-over on the Kickstarter Video

We have secured a professional voice over artist to contribute to the Kickstarter video and give it that extra profession boost. 

Did you "have your say?" We published a blog a week or so ago with this news and asked for opinions on if we should have a Scottish or mildly American accent on the video. In the end, we plumped for the US one. You can see the article and here the samples here.


The Book of Ruth is Available on Comixology

The Book of Ruth is now officially on Comixology and has the shiny Guided view function to boot. If you've read the comic and have an amazon account please give it a star rating. If you haven't read it, this is another place you can buy it digitally for £1.99 (or $2.99). Here are the links.


On February 22nd The Book of Judges is due to launch there also between 9pm and 10pm EST. So watch this space. 

Prayer Requests

This month we've really been scraping the barrel financially in advance of this next Kickstarter, really stretching our trust in His provision and we've been really blessed with a few hundred pounds of unexpected financial gifts that God seems to have guided in for us at exactly the right moment, which has been a real answer to prayer.

Please pray for success with this Kickstarter, we've worked very hard to get it ready and people to talk about it when the time comes, but it still comes down to chance, and as God is in control of such luck and coincidences please will you ask him to help us on this one, to get the Gospel comic made and help it reach new people in a new and interesting way.

As always, please also pray for our productivity, health and against technical issues.  

Thanks a lot for reading this blog, to receive it as a email newsletter, click here...


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Have Your Say: Voice over accent

On March the 3rd we will be launching our next Kickstarter campaign, for the next instalment the Gospel of Mark! So it's 'all systems go', creating the video, preparing the reward levels and sample material. 

We're so blessed to have found a professional voice over artist and master of his craft, Matt Abbott to perform the script. Versatile as he is he's given us a few options on how it could be. 

Matt's Website can be found here: http://www.welcomematt.co.uk/


We've narrowed it down to two option and we'd love you to have your say! Please comment below or on the social media post you linked from. 

Considerations: The video is for worldwide use, so many who listen will not have English as their first language. Our primary audience is the US, so having an American accent might be more familiar. However, the Scottish one might be considered to have more character. Think about the feel of the Bible Comic and it's target audience, which is primarily ages 15-40. 

Please consider these Questions. 

  • Which do you prefer, (where are you from)? 
  • Which sounds more profession for the Word for Word Bible Comic? 
  • What does each accent make you think of? 
  • What do you think it will make other people (British people, Americans, people who's first language isn't English) will think of? What associations will they make when listening to it?

Thank you so much for reading the Blog, we look forward to hearing your opinion.  

Subscribe to our newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/bzpR9f

Have your say: cover for the Book of Joshua.

In this blog you can look at some of the development sketches for the new cover art for The Book of Joshua and give your option and ideas on which is the best and how to make it better. 

When I started I made a list of several elements or events I could include to give a feel for the story. 

Early idea, Joshua fights Anakim


Fall of Jericho - Horns blown, shouts

Long Day of Joshua - Sun and Moon

The meteors

Other Characters: Caleb, Rahab


Enemy kings - Jabin etc

Fighting Anakim and battle

Angel of the Lord

Map of Canaan


Further development which has the same image as above but Caleb fighting the Anakim. 

You'll see from the sketches that I am fix using more on the Long Day of Joshua and the meteors shower than on the fall of Jericho which is the first think most people will remember about the book. Mainly because it's a much more significant miracle but also as it looks so exciting. 

I really liked the idea of having the sun and the moon on the cover to represent the Long Day. I also liked the idea of the meteors raining down and Joshua standing calmly amid the destruction (see below). 

Encounter with The Angel of the LORD

It seems obvious that Joshua should be the focus of the cover as the Book bears his name, but it is tempting to have the "Commander of the Armies of the Lord" as He is Joshua's superior officer. 

Having a map of Canaan could be helpful to indicate the fact it is a story of conquest, but I'd also like to maintain the motif of having original period images on the cover. On a few the literal inclusion of ancient images is replaced with ancient artefacts which are drawn in but they could be photos. 

The words on the page say "After the death of Moses" in Paleo Hebrew, which is the first few words in the book, and is likely to be the original name of the book, just as "After the death of Joshua" is for Judges. 


Your Opinion?

Looking at the examples below please consider the aspects involved, the composition, the clarity and also how well it gives a feel for the story and themes of the book. 

Please leave a comment (here or on the social media post you came from) which you like from below and/or the covers and elements above. 

A) B) or C)    [Click to enlarge]

(Apologies that they are not equally developed and rendered). 

For reference here are the covers from the 2 pervious books of Ruth and Judges. 

You can buy the books here on the website now. 

Word for Word Bible Comic newsletter

Word for Word Bible Comic's Blog RSS

December Newsletter and Discounts

It's Christmas time!

If you don't have all your gifts sorted out how about a copy of Judges or Ruth for a friend or family member.

You can still get free UK postage and from now until the 15th you can also get a whopping 30% off.

30% off Judges and Ruth until the 15th December! 

Buying copies direct from us really helps to support the project.


Good progress has been made in the last month, with many pages being maps and parts which have been drawn before (like Joshua 15 which crosses over with Judges 1). Currently, we working on chapter 17.


After Joshua?

People have been asking me what book I will tackle after Joshua. Well, my hope is to move into the New Testament for the next book. Base on feedback from the customers at events like New Wine this seemed to be something people would be keen to see. Looking at the options, it would be crazy to start the New Testament without doing a Gospel first, and it seems that Mark is the best candidate. Mark has less long tracts of dialogue than the other Gospels, it is shorter overall which is helpful but also I have been told that it is often to Gospel of choice in secondary schools for Religions Eduction, so this could be a great resource for school libraries.


Your opinions and advice on the future.


That all said, sales of the existing comics are not yet at the point where they alone can finance the production of more books so I am again looking at fundraising initiatives to continue the work. I'm considering a Kickstarter for the Book of Mark, but if you have any suggestions or encouragements, like doing Kickstarter, Patreon or anything else please get in touch.



Supporting the project. 


If you'd like to donate a gift to the project please use our PayPal account, liked to this email address, and add a note so we know why it has come in.  wordforwordbiblecomic@gmail.com


Another way to help is to add a positive review on Amazon. Here are the links...

The Book of Judges:

  • UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01LVTUI8A
  • USA - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LVTUI8A

The Book of Ruth:

  • UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01LW6MHUK
  • USA - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LW6MHUK

Prayer Requests

If you are a praying person I'd love you to look at these areas we are seeking the Lord for, and either give a quick amen or to add them to your list for ongoing prayer support.

Productivity and health: Our seasonal time of poor health is upon us, please pray that we will all be well and our families too so that the work can continue.

Financial: Since the start of this project we have been living by faith financially, we've been really blessed with the Kickstarters and gifts we've been given, but please pray God continues to carry us through in his amazing miraculous way in whatever form that takes.

Publisher: Since the start, I have hoped that a publisher might take on the project and I have been courting a few recently. Please pray a good one with take on the project in order to take it to the next level.